Market Research

Forrester Social Technology Profile Tool

Anyone working in social media needs to know the social technographics of their target audience. Below is an easy chart from Forrester Research that shows who does what in social media. So for example, if your marketing target is a Creator, make sure your campaigns provide elements that can be used by your target marketing… Read more »

Google Trends for Social Media Marketing

This morning I had a call with my Google Adwords rep and she pointed me to a very interesting tool for research. It can be used for social media OR Adwords, or really many other things. Go to On this page you can enter keywords that you feel relate to your business. And then… Read more »

Tech Talk: Build trust and keep a crisis out of social media

One recent morning I answered the phone and on the other end of the line I could barely make out a whisper. My ears strained to hear as my client contact said, “Something’s happening. All of our managers were sent out to our retail locations this morning, and I need to know why. Where can… Read more »

Stumping for the AMA

This afternoon the some of the Baltimore Chapter of the American Marketing Association members and friends shot some testimonial videos for the Chapter Web site at our favorite studio, BlueRock Productions. Video on the Web is the next great chapter for marketers. I’m pulling my vendor list together as we speak. I’m so excited.