social media

Customer Touchpoints

An integral planning component of all social media campaigns is to plot out the customer touch points with your brand, purchase vehicles, salespeople, delivery vehicles and post-implementation. If your company takes the time to carefully think about each time the company touches a customer prior to, during, and after the purchase, you will find that… Read more »

Social Media Strategy begins with your Reputation

Working in social media has morphed again. Just last year it was still about content, content, content to put out and then re-post across social media venues. Recently, we have found it is MORE important (the foundation to the campaign) to begin with Reputation Management. This means you our your agency goes out and reads… Read more »

Forrester Social Technology Profile Tool

Anyone working in social media needs to know the social technographics of their target audience. Below is an easy chart from Forrester Research that shows who does what in social media. So for example, if your marketing target is a Creator, make sure your campaigns provide elements that can be used by your target marketing… Read more »

Google Trends for Social Media Marketing

This morning I had a call with my Google Adwords rep and she pointed me to a very interesting tool for research. It can be used for social media OR Adwords, or really many other things. Go to On this page you can enter keywords that you feel relate to your business. And then… Read more »

Don’t Fear the Epiphanot

Published in the Colorado Springs Business Journal September 9, 2011 Have you ever put up a Facebook status update only to instantly regret it? I’ve done it more than I care to admit, but was pleased to find that the Urban Dictionary has already addressed the sentiment. These statements are called “epiphanots.” According to the… Read more »

What does Google +1 mean for your business

by Marci DeVries Published: July 22,2011 in the Colorado Springs Business Journal (Read this on the CSBJ here) Google launched their new “+1” feature this week, amid a slew of media fanfare. I bet you all are wondering, “What does Google +1 mean for my business.” And I’ll tell you, but in order for it… Read more »

500 Facebook friends won’t help you fix your flat tire

Published May 27, 2011 in the Colorado Springs Business Journal (Read this on CSBJ here) It’s a hypothetical scenario of course, that you’d find yourself standing by the side of the highway frantically updating your Facebook status to see if your friends happen to be driving down the same highway and will stop to help… Read more »

Avoid using social media icons for print marketing

Published June 17, 2011 in the Colorado Springs Business Journal (Read this on CSBJ here) The other day I was stuck in traffic on the way to a meeting, and the delivery van in front of me made me burst out laughing. On the back of the van was the “F” icon for Facebook, the… Read more »

Law Firm Marketing Event

Last night I had the pleasure of speaking to the LMA about video production and marketing with my good friend Gregg Landry from BlueRock Productions. Here are some pics…

Tech Talk: Build trust and keep a crisis out of social media

One recent morning I answered the phone and on the other end of the line I could barely make out a whisper. My ears strained to hear as my client contact said, “Something’s happening. All of our managers were sent out to our retail locations this morning, and I need to know why. Where can… Read more »